Mathematics has a proud tradition at Clifton College. Proficiency in maths encourages the development of valuable, transferable skills, and the Teachers in the Mathematics Department hope all children will get as much out of the subject as they can, whatever their age and whatever their level of competence.


We encourage children to have as much positive contact with Mathematics as possible, and hope they will enjoy the process of learning about the subject. We help them experience a variety of presentations and methods of approaching the subject, which foster a spirit of enquiry into the possibilities and even awe at their findings.

Classes are divided into sensibly-sized groups, with teaching tailored to the particular abilities and needs of each pupil. It is our policy to challenge the most able pupils and encourage them to be curiosity-driven.

All our classrooms are connected to the School’s IT network, and interactive whiteboards, PCs and handheld devices play an integral part in our teaching. Pupils will regularly use online platforms and are encouraged to use these at home too.

Why Study at Clifton College?

In addition to formal lessons we run a popular Maths Puzzle Club, in which pupils can learn about different mathematical problems and puzzles. Maths Week England is celebrated with many different activities.

We enter group Mathematical challenge competitions as well as taking part in both the Primary Maths Challenge and UKMT challenges at Junior and Intermediate level. Clifton College pupils often go on to take part in the British Mathematical Olympiad.