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Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form

Self-discovery and personal development lie at the heart of a student’s journey through Clifton’s Sixth Form, forming the basis of a happy and successful life beyond school.

Students are encouraged to follow their own interests, both academic and co-curricular, and to draw on the College’s wealth of resources in pursuit of excellence and self-fulfilment.

Expectations are high, but students will find themselves supported at every stage by dedicated, highly-qualified teachers and support staff.

Mr Nick Mills
Head of Sixth Form

The breadth of destinations to which Cliftonians move on after the Sixth Form, and the wide range of courses selected, is testament to the diversity and ambition of our students.

The vast majority of Cliftonians apply to UK universities, many winning places at the most competitive institutions amongst the ‘G5’ and Russell Group universities. However, an increasing number of our students apply to study internationally, whether in the US, Canada, Australasia, Hong Kong or continental Europe. Our International Universities Coordinator, based in the Higher Education and Careers Hub, provides specialist advice and support to guide these students through their overseas applications.

We also have lots of experience supporting the significant number of students keen to undertake graduate apprenticeship degrees, an increasingly popular alternative to the conventional university route.

Opening students’ minds to the myriad career opportunities available to them is a core focus of the Sixth Form. All students are given the opportunity to access 1:1 guidance appointments in the Careers and Higher Education Hub.

Our Head of Careers, a highly-qualified careers adviser, organises a wide range of talks and events throughout the year, notably regular ‘Meet the Employer’ sessions and ‘Career Insight’ talks. Regarding work experience, all Year 12 students are expected to undertake a work placement in the final week of the summer term and there is an option for students to pursue a placement one afternoon each week throughout the year.

We have excellent contacts with local employers and amongst the Old Cliftonian Society, providing the means to support students in a wide range of career choices.

The Clifton Futures programme aims to supplement students’ academic studies and co-curricular activities, covering a wide range of topics from the global to the personal and from the practical to the theoretical. As such, it aims to provide Sixth Form students with the skills, strategies and attributes to leave school as informed young adults, better able to navigate the challenges of higher education, the world of work, and life in general.

Since the Sixth Form marks a crucial transition point as students prepare to leave school, the programme places emphasis on the theme of Living in the Wider World, specifically in relation to accessing higher education and the world of work.

The programme also includes the theme of Informed Citizen, which can be regarded as a ‘need-to-know toolkit’ to help students engage meaningfully with contemporary society. Within this theme they cover fundamental legal and political structures, rights and responsibilities, as well as touching on some of the key issues of our time.

Pupils’ achievements are attributed significantly to the guidance and support received from Clifton’s dedicated teachers. This speaks volumes about the quality of teaching and mentorship at Clifton College and the school’s ability to nurture and propel students toward academic success.