Chicago Teen Production

With fantastically synchronized chorus rag-time song and dance routines, on-stage acrobatics, hilarious comic turns full of the intrigue, magnetism or pathos of femmes fatales and hommes faibles, even ventriloquist singing – the pupils for this year’s November 2022 musical production of Chicago Teen truly excelled themselves.

With the principal roles double-cast and playing alternate nights for a week of performances to a packed Redgrave Theatre, the production was supported by a pupil-led on-stage band, lavish lighting and costumes, and captured the scandal and rivalry, crimes and come-uppances, comedy and tragedy of its 1920s cast of characters, in numbers such as a ‘Cell Block Tango’, ‘Roxie’, ‘Mr Cellophane’ and ‘All that Jazz’.

With nearly fifty students in the cast and another fifteen in the band, technical and backstage crew, this was a large-scale production with students from every year group represented. We showcased the band by placing them upstage centre, with our Director of Music, Mr Robson, conducting on stage. 

All the cast were incredibly talented and worked incredibly hard to put this production together in just over six weeks of rehearsal, we are so proud of the slick, professional performances they achieved. A huge well done!

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