The Curriculum, Co-curriculum and Scholarships in Years 7 and 8 at Clifton College

Years 7 and 8 mark the first point at which pupils are engaged in making curriculum choices, notably with languages.

In Year 7 pupils are able to pick up two languages, with the selection including French, German, Spanish and Latin. Not only does this equip them with a new found sense of autonomy, it also starts to focus their minds towards GCSE choices.

We have recently doubled the amount of hours pupils spend learning about Computing, Art and Design Technology. This is in recognition of future needs of the workforce, based on an understanding that whether it is coding, robotics, engineering or creativity, these skills are becoming ever-increasingly in demand in the modern world.

These changes were implemented in response to pupil voice – pupils’ opinions are asked on most things through our regular pupil surveys – covering all aspects of the curriculum, clubs, extra-curricular choices and much more.

We believe this is the true value of an independent education, having the independence to ebb and flow the curriculum to match the needs of our pupils, and adapt to an ever-changing world.

Performance and participation remain very high in Years 7 and 8, in many areas including Sport, Music and Drama, all pupils maintain the understanding that they will represent the school at some point during their journey at Clifton College, and eagerly rise to the occasion.

We are conscious of creating an environment that promotes independence, the ability to make decisions, negotiate and compromise. Effectively aiding the development of sound emotional intelligence; all the growth we can’t formally measure.


Scholarships at Clifton College Prep School

We offer 11+ Scholarships in Academic, Sport and Music.

Our academic scholarships are measured across the board, in line with the nature of the Prep School Curriculum. We also recognise that the younger the pupil, the harder to know what their trajectory will be.

We would anticipate our academic scholars will place in the top sets and groups and have a willingness to contribute to and join teams of their choice. We have many competitive teams across the school including quiz, debate and chess, anyone may join these, as long as they are up for the challenge!

With sport, it is not about assessing a finished project, but rather assessing potential. Our sports scholars benefit from early morning fitness sessions and training, have access to perform in our top teams competing across the country and are given the opportunity to step forward and engage in many tournaments.

Clifton College has extensive links with external clubs across the sports on offer, including, but not limited to netball, hockey, cricket and rugby. We work with scholars’ sporting lives inside and outside school, helping to create a happy balance and level of commitment between the two.

We support pupils whose passions may not fall under scholarships in the Prep School, but do so in the Upper School, such as swimming, riding and sailing. We acknowledge that any future success in any area needs to be because of, rather than in spite of your education – either we provide the opportunity, or we provide access to the opportunity that other people are offering – and we achieve this through giving time and flexibility.

We also provide a performance pathway, for those that we believe could be a scholar at 13+, these pupils have access to the same training sessions and development as the current scholars.

Our music scholars each get free music lessons, to enhance their talent with their current instrument, but also to expand their skills by picking up another if they wish. They all have the option to be part of accomplished school orchestras and bands.

The commitment outside school in music is significant, pupils dedicate themselves to practising, attending and performing at a variety of internal and external events on a regular basis in order to increase musical expertise and professional development.

Joseph Cooper Concert 2021

The main focus of our scholarships programme is to build intellectual curiosity and self-motivation as our pupils embark on their journey through the school and beyond. Bringing our pupils together as a consolidated scholarship group creates an environment where stretch, drive and healthy competition is created amongst themselves, for themselves.

Coaching and support is available from scholars who are further up the school in all areas, providing familiar faces that they can talk to and work with. Whilst equally acting as role models whose hard work has illustrated what is required to succeed, demonstrating a level of dedication that current scholars can aspire to and replicate.


For more information about Scholarships and Bursaries at Clifton College Prep School, please click here.