Learning all about Ancient Egyptians at Forest School

Last week, our Year 3 pupils furthered learning about their current topic ‘the Ancient Egyptians’ over at the outdoor classroom at our custom built Forest School.

They started by constructing their own pyramids out of natural resources gathered from their surroundings, mainly sticks and stones.

This activity was followed by looking at how a ‘shaduf’ (hand-operated device for lifting water) worked, this involved a lot problem solving, including how to get a rope over a high tree branch and how to raise a heavy bucket of ‘vile nile’ water by filling a parallel bucket with stones – very steadily so as not to cause any spills!

They then took a well-deserved break for lunch before continuing their afternoon session which consisted of designing and making a ‘cartouche’ (a clay tablet with the children’s own hieroglyphics).

The pupils’ insightful day at Forest School concluded by cooking self-prepared S’mores on an open fire to keep warm.

We can’t wait to see what dedicated Forest School Leader Mr Cox has in store for the next topic!