Hammond Society Dinner 2023

All our Year 9, 10 and 11 Academic Scholars, together with Year 8 guest scholars from the Prep, attended the annual Nicholas Hammond Society Dinner on Friday 3rd Nov.

The night began with a wonderful scholars’ music concert in the chapel. This was followed by an interactive student-led art display in the Newbolt Room that included a revealing speech about famous OC, Roger Fry, by the current holder of the Fry Scholarship, Abeni (Yr 13).

Everyone then moved on to the BSK for a full formal black-tie dinner of celebration and inspiration as the Academic Scholarship Programme was officially ‘launched’ for the 2023-24 year. Current senior scholars, Jude (Yr 13) and Megan (Yr 13) gave encouraging speeches about ‘life as a scholar’, and our new Assistant Head Academic, Dr Bradley Wells, gave an engaging and challenging keynote address which, inspired by a painting by Reubens, considered the concept of ‘The Academy’.

Throughout the evening there were various intellectual challenges, including a series of games and quizzes which were, shall we say, very keenly fought. In all, it was a wonderful evening. Thanks to everyone who was involved.

(Click on an image below to expand the gallery.)