Clifton College Preparatory School’s Unique House Structure

We have a unique house system in which our houses are physical and separate buildings. Each house is run by a housemaster or mistress and a team of tutors and this provides a strong support network for each child.

The house structure enables pupils to belong to a micro-community of about 40 pupils as well as the wider Prep community. This enables them to build their confidence and provides a strong foundation from which to maximise all the opportunities that the Prep School as a whole has to offer.










Each day house, as well as the boarding house, has its own lounge, study area, games room and kitchen. The house provides ideal facilities to do prep after school or during the day as well as a place to relax and socialise and there is a busy calendar of house events throughout the year.

The house is also the point of contact for parents which enables the house team and parents to communicate regularly and ensures parents are part of the school and have easy access to their child’s tutors and pastoral support team.

As part of the house structure, the school also operates a vertical system in the three lower prep houses with pupils ranging from Year 4 to 6 in all three houses, although this structure has been suspended temporarily in line with Covid-19 guidelines.

The usual vertical structure creates a great opportunity for pupils to mix with older and younger children. The younger ones aspire to be like the older ones and the older ones take them under their wing.










As adults, we don’t work or socialise only with people who are the same age group as us so this is reflected in our house structure.

For the same reason, the lower Prep houses and the boarding house are also co-educational. This has proven especially popular within the boarding provision as it helps to create an even greater sense of a family atmosphere and means siblings can stay together.


Register For Our Virtual Open Days


Housemaster of Tait’s Town – Mr James Averis

Housemistress of South Town – Mrs Helen Higham

Housemaster of Matthews’ House – Mr Ed Thompson


If you would like to attend our next Virtual Open Day to find out more about the Preparatory School and our house system, please complete the form below.